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Here’s to the next chapter. 🥂

Here’s to the next chapter. 🥂 Dusting the cobwebs off this blog😂😂😂🙃🙃🙃🙃 For as long as I can remember, I knew I would write, but whenever I think about writing on this special day, my heart skips a beat. This past year, I circled the sun, With changes I had not foreseen. I faced the depths, the heights, the core— Tears flowed freely, joy took flight, Sorrow and laughter both took light. I leapt forward in the fog's embrace, With no clear map, I found my place. Though shadows lingered, steps unsure, I'm grateful now, I stand secure.   I leaned on love, my anchor strong, My father's bond is where I belong. My family held me, firm and true, Their love, my guide, through skies so blue.   Enimoney, my forever woman, beside me, stayed, Through darkest nights, we never swayed. In growth and love, we've far surpassed, A bond so deep, forever to last. And to my "forever wanna be Gen Z, " You led me and kept me on my beam. Best girls and mentors, near and true
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Welcome To the land of Kosowo

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Year 2023

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Clouded midey

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What is your drive.

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