Journey. I'm on a journey, I have somewhere to go, I must be running, where I am going I don't know, I must travel this road, Burn all candles and thrive, Through rain, fire, storm, cold. I would never say NO. I'm on a journey of discovery, It is a lonely road, But I am up to it, You find me in my destiny, I give all to win all to get my dream. Against the current, I will take every stroke, in hardship, pain, burden, loss and hurt, It is a puzzle, And whoever I find or meet must fit in the puzzle, I'll not struggle to fit in another puzzle. Too late to quit, I have burnt all bridges, I won't stop till I reach my home, One more puzzle, battle, hindrance to cross, I have faith and my faith will take me home... I'm on a journey of self-discovery, It is a lonely road, I'll make up to it, You'll meet me in my destiny, I will give it all to meet my dreams... Adapted from a song.. Edited and reviewed by midey